Heartrock Ranch, Idaho, 2011

An ecological restoration compatible with livestock operations that increased wild trout and wildlife populations by eliminating flood irrigation by raising the water table in addition to constructing 13 miles of stream channels and 44 oxbow ponds and wetland/waterfowl areas. Ten years of monitoring was conducted, including groundwater, surface water, fish abundance, redd counts, and benthic surveys, to determine the project was effective at meeting project goals, including delivering more return flows to the downstream reaches.

Heartrock Ranch one year after restoration without flood irrigation
Heartrock Ranch before restoration with flood irrigation

BEFORE RESTORATION: Heartrock Ranch before restoration with flood irrigation

AFTER RESTORATION: Heartrock Ranch one year after restoration without flood irrigation

Crystal Creek after
Crystal Creek before

BEFORE RESTORATION: Crystal Creek before

AFTER RESTORATION: Crystal Creek after

Oxbow pond before

Oxbow pond with flood irrigation water routed through the oxbow and into wetlands, waterfowl habitat, and juvenile fish and food production areas

Heartrock Wetland before

Waterfowl habitat, emergent wetland, and food production area constructed out of previous entrenched channel, post-construction

Post-restoration condition that converted the previous entrenched Crystal Creek into a wetland (as shown) while remeandering Crystal Creek in a new location
Crystal Creek before restoration showing overwide, entrenched channel

BEFORE RESTORATION: Crystal Creek before restoration showing overwide, entrenched channel

AFTER RESTORATION: Post-restoration condition that converted the previous entrenched Crystal Creek into a wetland (as shown) while remeandering Crystal Creek in a new location

Crystal Creek two years post-restoration showing constructed channel with toe wood along streambank and the vegetation response
Crystal Creek before restoration

BEFORE RESTORATION: Crystal Creek before restoration

AFTER RESTORATION: Crystal Creek two years post-restoration showing constructed channel with toe wood along streambank and the vegetation response

Cross vane Diversion

Cross-vane diversion structure delivering water to a series of oxbows

Wildland Hydrology Inc.
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